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Activities . . .

Learning Activity Sheet 2 - Netiquette

The online world that is almost similar to the reality, where people, sometimes, forget to show humanity.

On our LAS 2, we made a Tiktok video regarding some misbehaviors on the internet. There's some internet users who lost awareness about the certain actions they do in the online world.

While using the internet, we should observe proper netiquette. Do what is right, treat others right, and everything will be alright.

Learning Activity Sheet 3 - Mail Merge

Mail merge is the Microsoft Word's way in generating mass mailings.

Using the MS Word, sending invitations and letters to a larger number of people is more convenient and easy. It will not consume too much of your time and effort.

On our LAS 3, we imagined that we are business owners and we'll send invitations to our family, friends and colleagues to inform them to the upcoming event that our business will hold.

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Learning Activity Sheet 4 - Promotional Video

Align with the LAS 3, on LAS 4 we made a promotional video of our business using the MS PowerPoint. 

Making a video with this productivity tool is not easy, but it is possible. Inserting images, videos, music, and applying different animations to the presentation will make it more attractive and pleasing.

Learning Activity Sheet 5 - Business Flyers

LAS 5 is align with LAS 4, with the use of a certain software we made a promotional flyer for our business.

LAS 5 contains the combination of information and graphics. In this task, we will imagine that our imagined business  will be promoted to the public.

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